Why You Should Never Complain to Your Parents About Being Bored

Uncategorized / Wednesday, April 4th, 2018

Do you remember what happened when you were younger and would complain to your parents that you were bored? In most instances it wasn’t a good idea. In our home this is a word that has NEVER been allowed, no, NEVER! It is up there is the worst of all swear words! There is reasons for this, we never believed that life gave opportunity to be bored.  There are always so many things to do and learn that boredom is a choice not a “given”.  But as we grow older our lives can unfortunately fall into such a routine of repetition that we may ponder “is our life indeed boring?” This of course can then lead us to confirm our own thoughts and eventually lead us to complain to our “Father.”

This is precisely the type of event that a friend revealed to me last night.  I had great sympathy for her as she told me her story but at the same time it struck my funny bone.  As you read this story please don’t think be insensitive for laughing (I laughed until tears rolled down my cheeks) but it is her conclusion at the end of her story that sums up precisely why you don’t complain to your parents that you are bored.

I have changed the names to protect the innocent, or as RJ said, to protect the guilty 🙂

These are her words:

“So ok, I was whining to God the other day before getting out of bed, that my life was the same….day in day out. I go to work…come home…clean up poop and puke ( my dog has been ill), go do chores…try to sleep…get up go do chores…go to work….come home, clean up poop and puke..etc etc.” By this time I totally get what she is saying.

She continues:

“So that morning I go out to do chores and one of my ewes, is in labor and having a hard time. I go to help her, and there is this big white swollen head sticking out of her. Well I know this lamb was dead. The mother has been dragging the lambs nose in the dirt, no sign of life. I’m too late. I reach in and position a leg so the lamb can be birthed. With some doing, it gets done and as I’m holding the body of the lamb in my left hand….I feel a heart beat!! Its faint, but definitely there! I hurry and wipe off its face, rub and pat it vigorously then start rescue breathing”. The heart beat got stronger…then it went faint again so I did some more mouth to muzzle. The heart beat got stronger and stayed. I then ran to the house and got towels, penicillin and colostrum from the freezer…..”

It is here I should explain my dear friend is a dedicated nurse. And the story unfolds further….

“After administering this the lamb perked up and started to baaaa. I left it with its mother after delivering its breach sister. I came back out for evening chores and it was nursing! Its face has since gone back to normal size. It was swollen when stuck in the chute! So…..Lord…..I only wanted a coffee! On my way to work I pulled into McDonalds for a coffee. The Jeep was steering funny…..I ordered my coffee and as I pulled away, the steering was completely wrong. I gimped the jeep over to the side, out of the way, when a big guy with two teeth jumped out of his truck and said “ma’am , your rod is completely broken off!” Bless his heart. It had been raining, the pavement was wet, but he got down on the ground to see what he could do. It was broke. So I called work for a ride ( like across the street practically) and while I was waiting, the manager of McDonald’s brought me out a coffee!! On him!!”

“I called SOS to my son and he said “go on to work, I will be down with my truck and trailer and get your jeep and bring it home and fix it.” His home is an hour and a half away. He gets my jeep and around 1 a.m. he phones me to say he had just hit a deer. Blasted it in half actually. Now mind you, we have JUST gotten him this truck (he makes payments, I did the down payment). So I’m freaking out his new (to us) truck just got wrecked!. He said ” oh it didn’t hurt my truck any, but it sure messed up your jeep!”. The deer hit his bumper/grill guard, flew up and over his truck, and busted up my grill, my hood, my bumper and took out my headlight! The jeep that was doing nothing, just minding its own business riding on the trailer!!”

By this time I am in conflict between offering my condolences and holding back laughter.  Any control I thought I might have on the humor I found in her story was totally gone when she finished her story.

“That was Tuesday. Now to Wednesday chore time. I see feathers. Me thinks…hmmmm looks like a murder to me. I follow the feather tracks into the goat barn. Lo and behold I startled the murderer! A skunk!! I get sprayed!! I have to go to work in 2 hours and I REEK! Everything reeks. I can’t get away from the smell. I want to puke. I call in. My house supervisor answers. I say “I can’t come in. I’ve been sprayed close range by a skunk” She says…”yeah…..?” Like, what’s the problem? But that’s a different Dear Abby altogether……………….So….lesson learned….never never complain to God that your life is the same or boring because he will SET YOU STRAIGHT!!”
Yes, I had to wipe the tears away and regain composer before I could console her.

7 Replies to “Why You Should Never Complain to Your Parents About Being Bored”

  1. LOL! Boy, I lost it at the deer 😂😂😂 I think God was making a point for sure! I almost choked from laughing so hard.

    In my family saying you are bored is never allowed either xD

  2. This is a situation where I would have had to use a very common saying here in the South – “Bless your heart.” It is a saying useful for almost all occasions (and is used as such) because it can mean anything from “I’m so sorry that happened to you” to “You are very foolish” and a few things in between but it is always said with kindness at its source. If all of those things happened to me (and I have had a few days somewhat like that) I would really have to stop and wonder what the Lord is trying to tell me or what lesson I am supposed to gain from it all. That lesson may simply be “Pay attention!” 🙂 Your friend sounds like a fun person to be around if only for the stories. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Reminds me of the time my Grandmother and I told my mom we were bored and needed something fun to do . So we took off walking down the road to get into something interesting and had not gone a half mile when a car came flying around a curve and ran off the road almost running us over. After screaming and getting over being scared to death and feeling thankful we were all okay , we walked back to the house where my dear Mother said very quietly I bet you two will never say you are bored again. I was in my young teens and my grandmother was in her 70s , she was my best friend and we had many fun adventures together . She lived to be 100 years old , I think of her every day.

  4. Oh my gosh, I feel guilty because I am cracking up too. That poor woman! I am not bored Jesus, I am soooo not bored, I love doing dishes and laundry and…….lol

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