Easter: The Gift Of Glimpsing An All-Consuming Love Through Family

Uncategorized / Saturday, March 31st, 2018

We have often done “homemade Christmas” as an alternative to an over consumerized society during a holiday that really has nothing to do with consumerism. We never believed it appropriate to have our children believe in Santa Clause though we love and teach the real story of St. Nicolas and his love for the Lord, a beautiful story sadly taken over by the ways of the world.

Sadly Easter too has also been turned into, for some time, an occasion that has nothing to do with its real purpose. We don’t begrudge some of the fun things for children to do such as the egg hunts and a nice dinner but as with Santa, we have never encouraged our children to believe in the “Easter Bunnie,” no we have always done our best to teach them the real meaning of Easter. Our gifts for Easter have mostly been Christ centered. It is harder to make a “homemade Easter” then a “homemade Christmas” but one year we gave a gift of the heart to our children. I had been impressed to express to our children through a letter, what they meant to both their father and me. Josiah had come across his copy of this letter just a couple weeks ago and I felt it was good timing with Easter coming up. I wanted to share this letter here on our blog.

This was written a year and 3 months before Simeon was born, so that is why there is not mention of him in this letter.

To Our Sons, Our most precious gift on this earth 4/7/2012

“It seems far too often with our “homemade” holidays that we have chosen that the burden of responsibility falls upon your father’s shoulders. My hair brain ideas and images in my mind are left for him to materialize with his gifted hands and woodworking abilities. But for today our beautiful children, I wanted to create this gift for you. This, as always, is from both your father and me but as woodworking is not my gift, expressing words in not always your fathers. However, the feelings and ideas are there from both of us, so it is my turn to materialize for him and myself the gift in our hearts.

First I pray that years down the road you will have this gift kept in a safe place to reminisce back on, to remind you of the love that your parents have for you, the love that grows deeper every day. You are indeed, without question the greatest accomplishment in our lives. We’ve spared you no secrets on what our lives where before God revealed himself to us. We vow to this day that he started that transformation with you RJ. You were the most beautiful thing that we’d ever laid our eyes on. God used you to melt walls and pain and confusion in our lives. Each step you took in growing was a step for us to grow on. Each move closer to God that we made was encouraged because of your dependency and trust in us. I had never once held a baby in my arms before you. I had no idea what a powerful love would sweep over me and consume me. I watched your father, as he watched me, both of us changing into people that, well simply put, had a purpose now. God in his infinite wisdom and over time revealed himself to us and then we could look back and see his hand at work in our lives way before his revelation and it started when he gave us you. He used you to show us that the world extended beyond ourselves. Ronald James Winans Jr. you are your father’s name sake. I see so much of him in you. You’re gentle ways, your tender touch, your quick wit, your work ethic and your strong handsome face. You are a wonderful son, a true brother and mirror image of a man I love with my whole heart.

Our dear precious Josiah: you are an extension of God’s love to us. When God brought you to us, once again we felt that all-consuming love, we never thought it possible to feel it twice. How awesome God is to prove us wrong. For the second time in our lives we held the most beautiful thing that we had ever seen in our arms and felt joy that no words could express. You have brought light to this home and joy that dances. Your commitment and love to your family and to God is beyond words. All the joys we felt with your brother growing, we were blessed to see and feel them all over again with you. From the little blond hair boy with the infectious smile and dancing eyes to the handsome young man, we are so grateful for you and blessed to have you! David Josiah Winans: named after 2 great men of God; David who was a man after God’s own heart. Josiah: because no other king had ever repented like him. He changed a nation to follow God. Your passion for the Word, for the ways of God and for your family steals our hearts.

You, our dear sons, we were amazed from the moment we saw you and continue to be amazed at the men you are becoming. Watching your sensitivity to the Lord and his direction, honestly nothing could make us prouder. No amount of letters behind your name on a piece of paper or prestige that any job could give you could create the pride in us that we have for the road that you two have chosen. You are men of valor.

Now to our dear Zeb, our “Little Booger.” Samuel Zebulun Winans: You are too young still to know how deeply you are loved or how blessed you are to be loved not only by your parents the way we do but also by your big brothers. You are twiced blessed to have so many eyes watching out for you. To guide you and direct you to the ways of God, to watch for your safety and to be deliberate in creating joy for you. God has blessed our home with laughter and giggles again that only a young one brings and the hope of the future. Your name was picked Samuel, because you were asked fervently of God, and Zebulun, because we pray that you will be his dwelling place. We have been blessed to see your older brothers mature and experience the deep life sacrificing love that most often is only experienced as a parent, blessings all around. We see both of your brothers in you, your intense eyes, your irresistible smile, you’re mischievous ways and the interest in everything. Your father and I have gained wisdom in our years and as much as we loved your brothers youth and enjoyed their growing, we savor yours all the more because we understand that it all too quickly passes by. Age has taught us to drink in the moments and take nothing for granted. We cannot imagine life without you!

And finally but not last, our Bear: Berachcah Beraiah Winans: “Blessing created by God.” You are the child our arms ache to hold, the one who our hearts ache for. You are the memory we have that rolls down our cheek, the one we wonder what could or would have been had life “been fair.” The ache in our heart is deeper than words could even begin to describe but know this our precious wee one, your Momma and Daddy truly love you! You hold a special place in our hearts little one that has never been filled. We look forward and await the day that we will be with you in the presence of God. For now we must be content with sending extra love through the Lord and trust that you know our hearts are with you.

How does this really connect to Easter? Well much more, I believe, than a basket full of candy and throw away toys or a ham dinner. God’s love for us was such a mystery at one time. We would hear the words that he loved us enough to lay down his life for us but couldn’t comprehend them. We could repeat them but we couldn’t grasp them. It wasn’t until he gave you children to us that we started to unravel what had remained a mystery, an all-consuming, over powering love that would cause you to lay down your life for another. When we became parents we understood that love. To grasp the depths (or to at least glimpse it) that of the One True Living God, Jesus, in his love for us, that he left his heavenly kingdom, robed himself in flesh and willingly bore our shame on Calvary because he loved us that much to want to make a way for us to be with him, well that is truly what Easter is about. We are loved because we are his children and you are loved because you are ours. May the glory of Easter forever reign in our hearts to know that his love for us took him to the depths of hell to retrieve the keys but his power brought him back front the dead so we could be heirs with him in his kingdom. Nothing can separate us from his love except ourselves. Nothing can separate you from our love. You are our hearts walking in the flesh. What a beautiful understanding God gives us through family.”

May all your homes be richly blessed with the all-consuming love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Winans

4 Replies to “Easter: The Gift Of Glimpsing An All-Consuming Love Through Family”

  1. Dear Winan Family,
    I wish you all a very blessed Resurection Day.
    I pray that you will all grow even closer together as a family as you read once again of what our dear Savior went through to save us from our sins!
    I love these letters that were written with such love! Especially the one to the little one that you lost, I can only imagine the pain of losing a child before you even get to hold them, but I am glad you haven’t forgotten avout the baby as most folks do.
    God Bless You all!
    -Susannah Joy-

  2. This is a true love letter and perfectly captures the joy that is the Resurrection of our Lord. I agree with you wholeheartedly about fully understanding the love God has for us once you became parents. I have had the same experience. It is something to “know” something in theory or because you have been taught it and read it all your life. It is an entirely different thing to know love when you have borne it, breathed it, and seen it for yourself. Someone smarter than me once wrote that children are a piece of your heart walking around on its own. So true and so much what God feels for us, his children, I really believe. May the peace and joy that is the Resurrection be with you and your family always!

  3. Dearest Lea,
    As usual, I am a little slow on the draw (but we actually know this timing is pretty good for me). I literally cried like a baby reading this post. Because I am your sister, I know so much of the dark road you and Ron traveled before you “heard” God beckoning you and became obedient to His irresistible call (just as you know of the suffocating darkness that enveloped my own life and soul for far too long). The thought of those days makes me shudder. I praise our One and Only Holy Savior for His unmerited grace and mercy in delivering us from the bondage of sin and from our broken lives. And I praise Him for healing and filling your hearts with a love that can only come from Him. It takes my breath away and is, quite frankly, overwhelming, but, oh, so encouraging. You expressed a love for your sons which is totally foreign to me in the earthly realm. I know that kind of love and gentle kindness only through our LORD and it crushes me when I consider the depth of His love and His plan of salvation and everything that grand design entailed for Him. When I watch your YouTube channel I see the love and joy you have described in this post being lived out not only between parents and children, but also from son to son. You and Ron have successfully planted in the hearts of your “boys” the truly important things (as God instructed you to do). Those things (the things of God) are the only things that matter. They are the things which will secure their place in eternity and will take them into Our Savior’s presence when they are called home. Your family is a true reflection of Christ’s redemption and of the transforming power of His perfect love. I am twice blessed to call you Sister. I love you all. Love in Christ, Tami

    1. Dear Tami,
      You have such a tender heart for others and a fierce love for the Lord. These of course are two qualities that I love and admire of you. God’s mercy and grace is so overwhelming it truly leaves one speechless. I think one of the greatest gifts that anyone can receive from God (besides his salvation of course) is true understanding and the ability to acknowledge what life was like before he remove the veil from ones eyes. It is there that one chooses to be the one servant returns to give thanksgiving to Christ for his mercies. Like you, Ron and I, remember fully life before Christ. We have been blessed with a understanding of how blessed we are, though as most, at times we have forgotten. But God has been gracious and yet merciful over and over and reminded us. It is our desire to encourage others in their walk with God and especially in their families. We pray by sharing bits and bobs of our family openly that this will speak to others. We have nothing without Christ and owe everything we have to him. You my dear I am thankful for everyday. I pray God’s peace and light shine upon you each and every day! Love you sister! Lea

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